Schamanische Oper?

Beiträge: 2864
Registriert: 23. Jun 2015, 23:46

Schamanische Oper?

Beitrag von Zebra »

Ich bin kein Fan von Oper, aber es scheint sie zu geben, die "schamanische Oper".
Find ich ganz interessant, aber irgendwie auch etwas kurios.

In dieser Oper gelangt Orpheus in die Unterwelt um Eurydike zurückzuholen durch das Trinken von Ayahuasca^^
Die Oper scheint ein Mix aus barocken Musikelementen und mexikanischen oder südamerikanischen Volksmelodien zu sein.

Orfeo Chamán

AUSTRIAN THEORBIST Christina Pluhar and her ensemble, L’Arpeggiata, are Baroque-music conquistadors, expanding their musical horizons westward toward the New World. But rather than conquer and subdue, they integrate. Like their 2012 album, Los Pájaros Perdidos, L’Arpeggiata’s latest project blends together elements of Baroque style with South American folk and popular music. Orfeo Chamán, a neo-Baroque operatic adaptation of the Orpheus myth, reimagines the character as a pre-Columbian shaman. In his Spanish-language libretto, Colombian poet Hugo Chaparro Valderrama follows the familiar sequence of events from Monteverdi’s Orfeo, even incorporating Baroque poetic devices. But instead of crossing the River Styx to fetch Euridice from the underworld, Orfeo passes into the spirit realm by drinking ayahuasca, a trance-inducing potion ingested in the ceremonies of indigenous Amazonian peoples.

Pluhar has pieced together a score in the spirit of the Baroque pasticcio. There are instrumental interludes by seventeenth-century composers alongside arrangements of Mexican and South American folk songs. She composed many of the numbers herself, in a Latin American/Baroque fusion style, often drawing on existing melodies or bass lines; passacaglia and chaconne dovetail with samba and rumba. The opera’s prelude opens with a slowly unrolled continuo chord on lute; to this are added various chirping and buzzing noises in a dreamy jungle soundscape. A seventeenth-century ostinato takes over, joined by jazz piano, double bass, maracas and guiro in a kind of bossa-nova-meets-Monteverdi accompaniment. The Baroque and Latin American styles complement one another beautifully, probably because the two traditions share so much—improvisation, rhythmic and harmonic variety, plucked instruments, dance forms and a preference for melancholic, minor-mode melodies.

Armed with a guitar instead of a lyre, Argentinian singer/songwriter Nahuel Pennisi tames the wild beasts as Orfeo. His duet with Euridice, “Romance de la luna tucumana,” is his own arrangement of a song by his fellow argentino Pedro Aznar that showcases Pennisi’s unique method of playing the guitar horizontally on his lap. He has a gentle, boyish voice with a mournful quality that suits his tragic character, especially in his moving lamento “Cubrámonos con cenizas.” By contrast, Chilean–Swedish mezzo Luciana Mancini is a feisty, hot-blooded Euridice. Though operatically trained, Mancini is also an exceptional folk singer; she shows off a robust, Celia Cruz-like chest voice in her rendition of the foot-stomping Venezuelan folksong “Pajarillo.” As Orfeo’s companion nahual—a shape-shifting being of Aztec mythology—Vincenzo Capezzuto is a bit of a shape-shifter himself; he has a sweet, feathery alto that’s so convincingly feminine I assumed in the liner notes the o in “Vincenzo” was a typo. His pop-leaning delivery helps smooth over the strained “old church-choir lady” sound that often plagues similar-sounding countertenors. ... 3%A1n.html

Beiträge: 107
Registriert: 13. Jan 2014, 17:52
Wohnort: zwischen Rätsch, Rühlemann und Storl

Re: Schamanische Oper?

Beitrag von AshTea »

Ich bin auch kein Fan von Oper. Vielleicht liegt es auch einfach an der Herkunft, wildem "Gekreische" oder massiver Theatralik. Orfeo Chaman klingt zumindest sehr ruhig und es ist auch mal schön andere Klänge zu hören. Es könnt tatsächlich ein interessantes Stück sein.
Beiträge: 864
Registriert: 1. Jun 2018, 00:55

Re: Schamanische Oper?

Beitrag von Arkan »

AshTea hat geschrieben:Ich bin auch kein Fan von Oper.
Word. Ist trotzdem schön.
