Qualitative Unterschiede von Kratom

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Re: Qualitative Unterschiede von Kratom

Beitrag von syzygy »

How to Potentiate Kratom to Make it Even Stronger

Want to know what you can do to potentiate kratom to make it even stronger? The answer may already be sitting right in your own kitchen. Just as in nature, where plants, animals, and the elements synergistically help one another to grow and thrive, there are many basic foods and herbs which will boost the efficacy of herbal remedies like kratom. We call this phenomena potentiation. It simply means to increase strength and potency so you need a smaller effective dosage and experience more profound results. It also can be a process which encourages potential, as the name implies. Here are some easy ways to boost the natural power of one of the world’s most popular herbal medicinals – kratom.

Potentiate Kratom With Natural Foods

Just as the Mitragyna Speciosa Kratom tree is nurtured by the balmy climate and rich soil of Southeast Asia, the resulting medicinal powder can also be enhanced with other natural foods we eat every day. Here are the top potentiating foods as reported by users all over the world.

1. Turmeric. Above all other food items, kratom fans say they’ve experienced the biggest boost by adding the common Indian spice turmeric to their kratom routine. The spice has been said to give an overall surge to kratom’s many physical effects, and to make the duration of the effects last longer. So, stock up on this handy spice the next time you’re at the market.

2. Grapefruit juice. This excellent potentitator is already a part of many kratom users’ regimens. It is often used to either mix with kratom powder in recipes to enhance the taste, or as a “chaser,” swallowed directly after eating dry powder from a spoon. Whether or not it was conscious, with this grapefruit juice routine, these users are extending the benefits of kratom with much longer effect durations. It is also said that chewing on the peels of the grapefruit will have the same effect.

3. Cayenne pepper. This very sharp pepper is well known for its use in detoxing and cleansing the body. It also will add a significant spike to kratom strength and results. Some users like to mix it directly into dry kratom powder. However, use this pepper very sparingly unless you have a very high tolerance for spicy foods.

4. Watercress. This ultra-hydrating lettuce has shown significant potentiation of kratom effects. This is in part due to the powerful cocktail of minerals the lettuce contains.

Boost Kratom Power With Teas

Even if you are not planning to brew the kratom itself into a tea, you should consider adding an herbal tea into your routine. Standard herbal teas like chamomile and passion flower will add to the soothing effects of most red vein kratom strains. If you are using a white or green strain to promote a more energized effect, try sipping on a yerba mate tea as a part of your session.

These Supplements Make Great Potentiators

1. Valerian – This root, often taken to promote healthy sleep, will add to the relaxing effects of many kratom strains.
2. Cat’s Claw - Cat’s Claw is known to contain some of the same alkaloids as kratom. Taking it in conjunction will boost the strength and duration of the overall effects of any strain.
3. Caffeine – Just a simple cup of coffee will combat any unwanted sluggishness that is a mild side effect of some kratom strains.

Timing Kratom Potentiators The Smart Way

Most of these ideas for kratom stacks and combinations will not be effective if you take them concurrently or just after you ingest kratom. In most cases, take the potentiating food or herb about 45 minutes before your kratom to achieve maximum results. Overall, you can expect longer durations for any kratom session.

Note: It’s not necessary to take more than 1 additive per kratom experience. Users report that one is enough, and more will not enhance benefits.

How Potentiators Work

So, is there science behind how to potentiate kratom with these common foods? In all cases, the potentiating substance works to slow metabolism. In particular, the goal is to slow down the enzyme cytochrome P450. This enzyme is responsible for breaking down and expelling the kratom alkaloids once they are in your system. So, it makes sense that any foods which slow down the work of this enzyme will make the kratom last longer.
Q: http://kratomonline.org/how-to-potentiate-kratom/
"Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen / Die da träumen fort und fort / Und die Welt hebt an zu singen / Triffst du nur das Zauberwort."
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Registriert: 18. Jan 2014, 21:20
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Re: Qualitative Unterschiede von Kratom

Beitrag von syzygy »

Getting More From Less - Kratom Potentiators
Posted by Kratom Sherpa on 1/19/2013

Many Kratom users also utilize potentiators -- substances that interact with kratom in a positive manner. Potentiators increase the effects of kratom, thereby enabling individuals to take lower doses while maintaining the same degree of efficacy.

In this article, we'll explore kratom, kratom potentiators and how it all works.

What is Kratom and How is it Used?
Kratom is a natural herb that's derived from a tree (Mitragyna Speciosa). It grows in southeast Asia, where native cultures have used kratom leaves in herbal remedies for hundreds of years.

Kratom leaves are dried, ground up and brewed into a tea or placed into capsules, which are used as a supplement. You can buy kratom online.

Kratom is not an opiate, but it produces opiate-like effects making it a popular, non-addictive alternative for individuals who suffer from chronic pain. In addition, kratom treats some of the most problematic aspects of opiate withdrawal, like aches and pains, diarrhea and anxiety. This makes it popular among individuals who wish to move away from using prescription painkillers.

Grapefruit as a Kratom Potentiator
Grapefruit contains elements that serve to inhibit the enzymes that break down certain substances, like kratom. This means a higher amount of the substance remains in the individual's body for a longer period of time. It's completely natural, inexpensive and delicious, making grapefruit a popular choice as a kratom potentiator.

A glass of grapefruit juice works well, as does the actual fruit. One entire grapefruit will produce potentiator effects. Some even eat the rind. It generally works best if eaten about 30 minutes before the kratom is used.

Notably, another alternative is starfruit, which some kratom users say is even more potent than grapefruit.

Magnesium as a Kratom Potentiator
Magnesium, which is sold as a supplement, is a popular potentiator and it can also serve to reduce tolerance when used in the long term, making it possible to use less and less kratom with time.

Notably, magnesium does relieve constipation too, but it can actually worsen diarrhea. So this potentiator can actually have negative effects on individuals who are in the process of self-weaning from opiates.

See this related article to learn more about magnesium's potentiator effects: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11873038

Phenibut as a Kratom Potentiator
Phenibut is a substance that's sold as a prescription drug and supplement. It's used to treat an array of ailments, such as PTSD, anxiety and insomnia, though it's not an approved pharmaceutical in the U.S. or Europe.

Phenibut is said to potentiate kratom's relaxation effects in particular, though according to a number of online forum posts, users reported experiencing nausea in some instances.

Tagamet (Cimetidine) as a Kratom Potentiator
The drug cimetidine, which is sold under the name Tagamet, serves to amplify the effects of kratom. Tagamet is an over-the-counter drug used to treat heartburn and other gastric ailments.

The manufacturer's recommended dose of Tagamet is sufficient to produce potentiation effects.

Chamomile Tea as a Kratom Potentiator
Chamomile Tea serves to enhance the relaxation effects that are associated with kratom. This is actually a very popular potentiator, as kratom can be ingested as a tea, so many mix 1 part chamomile tea and one part kratom tea.Conversely, others open a kratom tablet and sprinkle it into a cup of chamomile tea.

There are a number of different kratom potentiators, but each individual is unique and experiences can vary. Trying different options is one way to find the potentiator that has the most desirable effects on your unique body.
Q: http://www.buykratom.us/Getting-More-Fr ... s_b_8.html
"Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen / Die da träumen fort und fort / Und die Welt hebt an zu singen / Triffst du nur das Zauberwort."
אל תשאלו
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Registriert: 6. Dez 2013, 14:03
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Re: Qualitative Unterschiede von Kratom

Beitrag von אל תשאלו »

So es ist offiziell warum Rühlemanns kein Kratom mehr verkauft.

Die Frage:
Hallo liebes Rühlemann's-Team,

ich habe gelesen, dass ihr die Kratombäumchen bis auf Weiteres aus dem Sortiment genommen habt. ;(

Woran liegt das? Und werden sie überhaupt nochmal lieferbar sein?

Viele Grüße

Daniel Rühlemanns Antwort:
Kratom war zu schwierig in der Kultur, und leider auch sehr anfällig auf Schädlinge, deswegen haben wir diese Pflanzen nicht mehr im Sortiment.

http://www.ruehlemanns-forum.de/index.p ... ID=17325&s
Ge'ez ጫት
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 10. Jun 2014, 09:56
Wohnort: Köln

Re: Qualitative Unterschiede von Kratom

Beitrag von StonyD »

Ja das war meine Frage, die ich ihm mal gestellt habe,
weil Kratom schon ne gefühlte Ewigkeit nicht mehr zu haben war und ich wissen wollte warum. :tongue:

Schade eigentlich, hätte gerne einen Rifat in meiner Sammlung gehabt. :unsure:
Unsere Fantasie reicht nicht aus, um zu erfassen, was uns entgeht.
אל תשאלו
Beiträge: 5627
Registriert: 6. Dez 2013, 14:03
Wohnort: Aschkenas

Re: Qualitative Unterschiede von Kratom

Beitrag von אל תשאלו »

Ach du warst das. :)

An Rifat ist ran zu kommen. Bei mir sind bald wieder welche soweit. Daneben wachsen viele kleine aus Samen gezogene heran. Wem sie entsprechen kann ich noch nicht sagen.
Ge'ez ጫት
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 10. Jun 2014, 09:56
Wohnort: Köln

Re: Qualitative Unterschiede von Kratom

Beitrag von StonyD »

Ja, habe wie gesagt schon länger auf die Lieferbarkeit gewartet und hab mich gefragt was da los ist.
An Rifat ist ran zu kommen. Bei mir sind bald wieder welche soweit. Daneben wachsen viele kleine aus Samen gezogene heran. Wem sie entsprechen kann ich noch nicht sagen.
Das klingt ja gut.
Wäre nett wenn du mir 1-2 Exemplare reservieren könntest. :)
Unsere Fantasie reicht nicht aus, um zu erfassen, was uns entgeht.
Beiträge: 3674
Registriert: 15. Nov 2013, 18:55
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Re: Qualitative Unterschiede von Kratom

Beitrag von Pusemuckel »

Naja, was heißt hier "schwierig in der Kultur"??? Ok, meine sind auch eingegangen, aber nur weil unsere Wohnung ohne hilfsmittel nicht wirklich pflanzengeeignet ist!! :cray: Zuvor haben die mehrere Jahre ganz einfach auf der Fensterbank überwintert!! Wenn einem wirklich was dran liegt, dann sollte man es auch schaffen die zu überwintern und vonwegen "schädlingsanfällig": Es gibt viele Pflanzen die von Schädlingen bevorzugt werden, andere weniger..... aber von den bevorzugten hat er noch einige andere Arten im Sortiment, die sollte er dann auch mal schnell rausnehmen bevor noch irgendwelches Insektenzeux bei ihm im Gewächshaus überwintert!! :irre:
~~~~~Back to reality - don't turn back~~~~~
Matthäus 5:3 :wub:

Unwanted person
אל תשאלו
Beiträge: 5627
Registriert: 6. Dez 2013, 14:03
Wohnort: Aschkenas

Re: Qualitative Unterschiede von Kratom

Beitrag von אל תשאלו »

Word Pusemuckel. Gut Kratom ist ein bisserl extra was seine Ansprüche angeht, aber nicht so wie manch andere Pflanze. Hat man die Pflanze erst einmal verstanden ist sie eigendlich einfach in der Haltung.

Möglich das es andere Gründe sind die ihn dazu bewogen haben Kratom aus dem Sortiment zu nehmen, wie z.b. um einer Aktion, als seine Kathpflanzen unberechtigter Weise abtransportiert wurden, zuvor zu kommen.
Ge'ez ጫት
Beiträge: 3674
Registriert: 15. Nov 2013, 18:55
Wohnort: hinter den sieben Bergen, dritte Ampel links, unterste Schublade ganz hinten

Re: Qualitative Unterschiede von Kratom

Beitrag von Pusemuckel »

Naja, nem anderen Member gegenüber hatte er sich ja sogar persönlich gegenüber genau so geäußert!!
~~~~~Back to reality - don't turn back~~~~~
Matthäus 5:3 :wub:

Unwanted person
אל תשאלו
Beiträge: 5627
Registriert: 6. Dez 2013, 14:03
Wohnort: Aschkenas

Re: Qualitative Unterschiede von Kratom

Beitrag von אל תשאלו »

Ich denke schon das sie die Pflanzenvermehrung auf die Reihe kriegen. Warum sollten sie einen Saisonartikel der gefragt ist sonst aus dem Sortiment nehmen?
War es nicht so, dass man meinte das der Winter problematisch war/ ist?
Ge'ez ጫት