Informationen zum d-LSD-25 von Dr.Zeh

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Re: Informationen zum d-LSD-25 von Dr.Zeh

Beitrag von tsorp » ... 44721.html
EW YORK, April 21, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Mind Medicine (MindMed) Inc. (NEO: MMED) (OTCQB: MMEDF), in collaboration with University Hospital Basel's Liechti Laboratory, has discovered and filed a patent application in the United States (preserving all worldwide rights) for a neutralizer technology intended to shorten and stop the effects of an LSD trip during a therapy session. This discovery, when further developed, may act as the 'off-switch' to an LSD trip.

MindMed is the leading psychedelic pharmaceutical company and the Liechti Laboratory is the leading research center focused on the pharmacology of psychedelic substances. This is the latest discovery based on surprising experimental results from work and collaboration conducted at the lab. The invention may help reduce the acute effects of a psychedelic drug and help shorten the hallucinogenic effects when required by a patient or medical professional.

One of the many fears and stigmas associated with psychedelics are rare occurrences of 'bad trips'. MindMed is seeking to equip therapists and other medical professionals with the resources and technology to better control the effects of dosing LSD in a clinical setting to improve the patient experience and patient outcomes.

This advancement paves the way for greater therapeutic applications of LSD and shorter-acting psychedelic therapy treatments. MindMed believes this technology, when further developed, may one day be marketed as an added feature to shorten a therapy session and stop a session if the patient is not comfortable.

MindMed Co-Founder and Co-CEO JR Rahn said, "The innovative and original work of the Liechti Laboratory is a treasure trove of novel data on LSD. We are just at the beginning of several significant discoveries that have the potential to further the application of psychedelics as therapeutic medicines. If developed, these discoveries will benefit both patients and therapists working in the psychedelic medicine space."

MindMed gained exclusive, worldwide rights to technology covered by the recently filed patent application based on inventions previously generated by the Liechti Laboratory in LSD and any future LSD research funded by MindMed. MindMed is developing a robust patent library of psychedelics-based technologies which now includes this LSD neutralizer.

The company operates under the principle that long known psychedelic compounds themselves must remain in the public domain to ensure scientific innovation and to unlock the full extent of the medical benefits of psychedelics. Therefore, MindMed will seek to innovate, develop and patent its own technologies that integrate psychedelic compounds and enhance the therapy potential.

Efforts to claim previously discovered psychedelic compounds as proprietary, such as psilocybin or LSD, are contrary to the bargain between innovators and the public. MindMed defines this bargain as a time-limited exclusive right for the patent owner to generate a return for funding the invention in exchange for dedicating the invention to the public domain once the patent term has expired.

MindMed Co-Founder and Co-CEO Stephen Hurst added: "MindMed believes that true innovations will always be protectable, which is why MindMed is committed to investing in novel research and proprietary data around LSD and other psychedelics. We believe this latest invention is a good example of the work we will seek to patent and we remain committed to understanding how pharmaceutical ingredients, novel methods of manufacture, new uses of older medications, proprietary formulations and surprising experimental results can benefit patients."

MindMed, working with the Liechti Laboratory, will continue to research and build a patent portfolio around psychedelic compounds that create novel approaches to medicine.
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Registriert: 17. Sep 2019, 06:32

Re: Informationen zum d-LSD-25 von Dr.Zeh

Beitrag von tsorp »

ah, die firma macht zur zeit in koop mit uni maastricht LSD Microdosing für ADHS bei erwachsenen !
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Registriert: 1. Jun 2018, 00:55

Re: Informationen zum d-LSD-25 von Dr.Zeh

Beitrag von Arkan »

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Re: Informationen zum d-LSD-25 von Dr.Zeh

Beitrag von Gremlin »

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Re: Informationen zum d-LSD-25 von Dr.Zeh

Beitrag von Bender »

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Re: Informationen zum d-LSD-25 von Dr.Zeh

Beitrag von Gremlin »

:irre: :92.gif:
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Re: Informationen zum d-LSD-25 von Dr.Zeh

Beitrag von binecor »

Der Chemiker Albert Hofmann hat 1938 Lysergsäurediäthylamid synthetisiert, auch bekannt als LSD. Ursprünglich hatte er versucht, ein Analeptikum zu entwickeln. Die Substanz wird aus Ergotamin gewonnen, das aus einem Pilz namens Mutterkorn stammt. Mutterkorn wurde im Mittelalter von "Weisen Frauen" zur Geburtseinleitung verwendet und hat auch für einige Vergiftungsfälle gesorgt, als Menschen kontaminiertes Roggenmehl gegessen haben. Einige dieser Vergiftungen ... tfrei.html sollen Rauschzuständen ähnlich gewesen sein wie bei LSD. Heute wird Ergotamin in therapeutischen Dosierungen zur Behandlung von Migräne eingesetzt.
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Re: Informationen zum d-LSD-25 von Dr.Zeh

Beitrag von Gremlin »

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Unsere Feinde können alle Blumen abschneiden, aber nie den Frühling abschaffen. Pablo Neruda
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Re: Informationen zum d-LSD-25 von Dr.Zeh

Beitrag von Gremlin »

Unsere Feinde können alle Blumen abschneiden, aber nie den Frühling abschaffen. Pablo Neruda
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Re: Informationen zum d-LSD-25 von Dr.Zeh

Beitrag von Gremlin »

Drugtalk mit Dr. Fabian Steinmetz zum neuen 1D-LSD :good:
Unsere Feinde können alle Blumen abschneiden, aber nie den Frühling abschaffen. Pablo Neruda