Salvia divinorum: Bilder, Filme usw.

Beiträge: 2878
Registriert: 27. Jan 2014, 21:06

Re: Salvia divinorum: Bilder, Filme usw.

Beitrag von kleinerkiffer84 »

Dieses Bild assoziiere ich auch absolut mit Salvia, leider finde ich es nicht grösser.

Ganz klassisch für diese Parallelwelten ist, dass es relativ begrenzte Ausschnitte aus Landschaften sind, häufig mit einem geheimnisvollen Haus, Hütte oder ähnlichem drauf.
Und es ist unglaublich vertraut. Man kennt es, durch die Augen der Person die man ist, wenn man diese Parallelwelt bereist.
Es ist als wäre man gerade nach Hause gekommen. Das ganz typische Salviafeelig ist in diesem Moment sehr stark.
Ausgesetzt in der Salviawelt, bei mir habe ich nur meine Bong und ein Feuerzeug. Entitäten werden mich begleiten. Ich zeige Ihnen, wie man hier überlebt!
Beiträge: 2878
Registriert: 27. Jan 2014, 21:06

Re: Salvia divinorum: Bilder, Filme usw.

Beitrag von kleinerkiffer84 »

Diesen Thread muss ich jetzt auch benutzen zum Festhalten für eine essenzielle Botschaft aus der Salviawelt.
Mir ist dieser Satz nicht direkt auf einem Trip eingefallen sondern erst später, als ich über vergangene Reisen nachgedacht habe.

Folgenden Satz, halte ich für eine absolut essenzielle Botschaft und habe keinen Zweifel daran, dass das der Wahrheit entspricht:
"Man ist kein Körper, der eine Seele hat, sondern man ist eine Seele, die vorübergehend einen Körper hat".

Die Idee kam mir, nachdem ich gründlich darüber nachdachte, was es mit diesen Metamorphosen und Ich-Entgrenzungen eigentlich genau auf sich hat.
Ausgesetzt in der Salviawelt, bei mir habe ich nur meine Bong und ein Feuerzeug. Entitäten werden mich begleiten. Ich zeige Ihnen, wie man hier überlebt!
Beiträge: 2864
Registriert: 23. Jun 2015, 23:46

Re: Salvia divinorum: Bilder, Filme usw.

Beitrag von Zebra »

Divinorum: The Documentary

Documentary on Salvia divinorum in crowdfunding

A young team of anthropologists and film makers led by Roberto López Mélinchon are working on a new ethnographic documentary, simply titled ‘Divinorum’.

Their aim is to uncover the mysterious world of Salvia divinorum, to show that the plant is much more than the image generated by its contemporary misuse around the rest of the world. To tell the story of this wonderful plant before it is unjustly criminalized by the Mexican government.

The documentary team: "We firmly believe that Salvia divinorum and the indigenous practices surrounding it represent valid medicinal alternatives which can greatly enrich the practice of modern medicine. We are not alone in this conviction and are deeply moved by the people committed to exploring the potential of this plant."


Divinorum is a fully independent documentary project in the early stages of production. We therefore need your support to get this project off the ground. Help us fund the filming of this documentary so we can raise awareness of this wonderful plant.

Visit the Indiegogo crowdfunding page to learn more (crowdfunding runs until the end of September 2015) ... .php?id=80
אל תשאלו
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Registriert: 6. Dez 2013, 14:03
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Re: Salvia divinorum: Bilder, Filme usw.

Beitrag von אל תשאלו »

Zebra hat geschrieben:Divinorum: The Documentary

Documentary on Salvia divinorum in crowdfunding

A young team of anthropologists and film makers led by Roberto López Mélinchon are working on a new ethnographic documentary, simply titled ‘Divinorum’.

Their aim is to uncover the mysterious world of Salvia divinorum, to show that the plant is much more than the image generated by its contemporary misuse around the rest of the world. To tell the story of this wonderful plant before it is unjustly criminalized by the Mexican government.

The documentary team: "We firmly believe that Salvia divinorum and the indigenous practices surrounding it represent valid medicinal alternatives which can greatly enrich the practice of modern medicine. We are not alone in this conviction and are deeply moved by the people committed to exploring the potential of this plant."


Divinorum is a fully independent documentary project in the early stages of production. We therefore need your support to get this project off the ground. Help us fund the filming of this documentary so we can raise awareness of this wonderful plant.

Visit the Indiegogo crowdfunding page to learn more (crowdfunding runs until the end of September 2015) ... .php?id=80
Was Zebra alles findet. :smiley32: :good:
Klasse Beiträge. :Hände Klatschen:
Ge'ez ጫት
Beiträge: 2864
Registriert: 23. Jun 2015, 23:46

Re: Salvia divinorum: Bilder, Filme usw.

Beitrag von Zebra »

Freut mich, wenn noch jemand etwas damit anfangen kann.
Beiträge: 2664
Registriert: 18. Jan 2014, 21:20
Wohnort: Nordkorona

Re: Salvia divinorum: Bilder, Filme usw.

Beitrag von syzygy »

Definitiv. Sieht spannend aus. Auch von mir, Danke :good:
"Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen / Die da träumen fort und fort / Und die Welt hebt an zu singen / Triffst du nur das Zauberwort."
Beiträge: 2664
Registriert: 18. Jan 2014, 21:20
Wohnort: Nordkorona

Re: Salvia divinorum: Bilder, Filme usw.

Beitrag von syzygy »

Von der Seite:
You can learn about the experience of Peter H Addy in the Mazatec land and about salvinorin-A recent findings in his fantastic talk at Horizons on Psychedelics conference:
Horizons 2014: PETER H. ADDY, Ph.D. “Salvia Divinorum, an Atypical Psychedelic"

Postdoctoral Associate, Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine

“Salvia Divinorum, an Atypical Psychedelic”
Based on my laboratory and field work with Salvia divinorum (SD) and salvinorin A (SA) over the past five years, I will provide a brief overview of the subjective and behavioral effects of SD and propose a role of the kappa opioid receptor (KOR) system in embodied consciousness.

Horizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics is an annual forum that examines the role of psychedelics in science, healing, culture and spirituality. Learn more at

Biography: Dr. Addy is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in the New Haven area. He has investigated the effects of Salvia divinorum at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Yale University School of Medicine, and the homes of indigenous healers in Mexico.
"Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen / Die da träumen fort und fort / Und die Welt hebt an zu singen / Triffst du nur das Zauberwort."
Beiträge: 2878
Registriert: 27. Jan 2014, 21:06

Re: Salvia divinorum: Bilder, Filme usw.

Beitrag von kleinerkiffer84 »

Dieses Bild, dass den Tunnel in die Salviawelt hinüber repräsentiert, finde ich auch sehr treffend gemacht.
Es ist ein ganz eigener, bizarrer psychedelischer Tunnel und häufig kommt es vor, dass man halbtransparent verschiedene Entitäten wahrnimmt, die auch die Reise in diesen Tunnel antreten.

Ausgesetzt in der Salviawelt, bei mir habe ich nur meine Bong und ein Feuerzeug. Entitäten werden mich begleiten. Ich zeige Ihnen, wie man hier überlebt!
Beiträge: 2864
Registriert: 23. Jun 2015, 23:46

Re: Salvia divinorum: Bilder, Filme usw.

Beitrag von Zebra »

Gardens morphing into spirals: Researchers examine what it’s like to trip on Salvia divinorum

A team of researchers recently investigated the subjective psychological effects of the psychedelic plant known as Salvia divinorum.

“Our main findings indicate that smoked [Salvia divinorum] facilitates an intense altered state of consciousness consisting of marked changes in affect, cognition, interoception, and sense of reality,” Peter H. Addy of VA Connecticut Healthcare System and his colleagues wrote in their study, which was published in the April 2015 issue of the Journal of Psychopharmacology. “Individuals often lost normal awareness of themselves and their surroundings, as well as reporting an assortment of delusional phenomena.”

Salvia divinorum is a unique drug with a intense onset and short duration that has been used in Mexican healing rituals for hundreds of years.

Classic psychedelics like LSD or psilocybe mushrooms act as agonists of serotonin receptors, meaning the drugs activate receptors in the brain in a manner similar to natural serotonin. But salvinorin A, the main psychoactive component in Salvia divinorum, has a completely different mechanism of action. Rather than targeting the serotonin system, salvinorin A acts as an agonist of kappa opioid receptors.

In the study, 32 medically and psychiatrically healthy adults who had prior experience with psychedelic drugs smoked 1017 micrograms of salvinorin A in a controlled, relaxed setting.

The participants uniformly reported a rapid onset and extremely intense experience. “The transition between states was abrupt, very abrupt and that was a little unpleasant,” one participant told the researchers.

The participants experienced a wide variety of hallucinations after smoking Salvia divinorum. Seventeen participants reported synesthesia, the experience of two or more sensory channels being mixed together. Twenty-five participants said they experienced closed eye visual imagery, from simple lights to geometric patterns to complex scenic hallucinations.

“What had been a bit of light entering through the bottoms of the eye mask became two voluminous hills or waves, and then they were supplemented by others that extended outwards into a horizon,” one of the participants said.

Surprisingly, five participants experienced the same scenic hallucination: carnival scenes. But other participants reported their visual hallucinations as kaleidoscopic, with one person them describing them as “garden images morphing into spirals.”

Tactile and kinesthetic sensations were also common. Many participants reported feeling as if their body was moving, spinning, or stretching. Four participants reported a specifically odd sensation: being folded along with the universe around them. “The field was solid, but I was falling through the field and then there was a diamond shaped pattern,” one person explained. “I was falling through the pattern, and it was all folding in, and it was falling away from me.”

Six participants reported not hearing anything during the psychedelic experience, while five other participants reported hearing auditory hallucinations or less well-defined auditory sensations.

The participants also reported a wide variety of emotional shifts. Some participants felt happy or humorous, while others felt guilty, selfish, or frightened. The most commonly reported emotional states were self-acceptance and awe.

A disruption of the normal sense of self emerged as another feature of the experience. Eleven participants reported feeling a sense of detachment from themselves, while six reported feeling disconnected from their bodies. “I couldn’t tell if I was part of the carpet, or you’re part of the chair,” one person explained.

Fifteen participants said the experience was unique, while six described it as a crazy. According to one participant: “That’s crazy. I’ve never felt anything like that… It was like a crazy dramatic river scene.”

The researchers said the Salvia divinorum appears to have a low potential for abuse. “Subjects did not report experiencing euphoria or craving to use, and did not seek out SD subsequent to experimental exposure,” the researchers said. ... orum-37258
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Registriert: 24. Jan 2015, 12:39

Re: Salvia divinorum: Bilder, Filme usw.

Beitrag von North »

Salvia venulosa soll dem Salvia D. verwandtschaftlich am nächsten stehen, (nach einer Studie mit 52 Salvia Arten und Salvia D.).